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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 126: Berna, Brad Cloepfil, & Bruno

I'm grateful for Berna today (as with most days).

I'm also grateful for trying new things, whether it's checking books out of the Doheny Library or going to a talk I really wanted to go to - even if I had to go alone because my friend stood me up.

Lobby of the Doheny Library

And I'm grateful to come home to Bruno, who helps me with my research project.

Oh. And Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

1 comment:

  1. thanks - you're sweet.

    oh, and i love eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. i used to wonder, back in the time of the great break-up, whether i would have wanted that procedure....probably not but what a wonder it would have been!
