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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 91, 92, 93

It's been a bit tough not having internet in the new apartment. Lots of things require internet - including setting up an appointment to GET internet installed. So I'm posting tardy for technical reasons!

Day 91: Tuesday, September 13
I am so thankful for sleep. I have been sleeping long and erratic hours. It is lovely!

Today my mother returned home to Omaha. It's been a bit strange, I feel like I'm rattling around the apartment. With only the boys & me, and a serious lack of furniture, it's pretty lonely!

Day 92: Wednesday, September 14
Today I am grateful for the Getty and again for Berna & Becky. I spend a good bit of the day at the Getty Center, visiting my old bosses Jeff & Kecia. It was great to catch up, and they had some good suggestions for people to get in touch with in terms of getting my foot in the door in the LA art world and starting to build some connections.

I returned to my little apartment pretty inspired! I had just enough time to roast my green chiles from NM, and fill my place with their delicious smell, before heading up to Pasadena to have dinner with Berna & Becky. There's nothing like the ease of laughing with old friends over a glass of wine and some dinner. They continually bring me joy, and that's even before I get to squeeze their adorable sons.

Day 93: Thursday, September 15
I have started a mini-garden on my new patio, and I discovered yesterday the the "half-sun" my new hydrangeas want (courtesy of the delightful Maegan M) is more like "shade." The poor blossoms were wilted Wednesday afternoon, shriveled in the warm California sun. So I had moved them to the back steps, where they would be shaded by the apartment and be in indirect light. I gave them a good drenching, and went to sleep.

This morning when I woke up, I peeked out back as I drank my coffee. The hydrangeas have returned to their full glory! It made me so hopeful, so thankful: sometimes when we find ourselves in a bad place, we just need to make little adjustments, and we can return to the most beautiful, right version of ourselves with a little help and a little looking after. Just like my hydrangeas.

Post made possible by the LA Public Library Wifi!

1 comment:

  1. I just shared your website with a friend who I think needs a boost because I think its beautiful and brilliant and even if she cant be happy about her own situation right now, she can be reminded to be grateful for the really simple gifts of life. I hope she visits!
