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Friday, August 17, 2012

Day 426 - 428: Movin' on up

Day II.61 (426): Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Happiness is essentially a state of going somewhere wholeheartedly, one-directionally, without regret or reservation.”
-W.H. Sheldon


Also referred to as "owning it." Seems an easy thing to say, but can be a bit rougher to do.

I am owning my choices, owning my somewhat nonlinear path. Thank god for all of it. And jumping in, fully, to the gorgeous journey ahead. Chicago, life, love, the PhD, world: let's do this thing!


Day II.62 (427): Thursday, August 16, 2012 

I heard last week a great piece of advice: Figure out what makes you happy, and learn how to ask for it


Again: so simple. But so big!


Tonight while doing the Culver City stairs, two great things happened. First, I lapped a couple of guys, who gave me fist-bumps as I started on my fourth round. One said, "Girl you're a badass!" when I answered their question, "How many is that?" Why, thank you.


Second, as I was coming down I realized something by tripping over my own feet. See, the stairs are so steep, and let's be honest, they're a little uneven (think Hundertwasserian lines) that you have to keep eyes on them at all times. But if you stop - and look up - you see the whole city and the range of the Santa Monicas and the Hollywood Hills and the Sierra Nevadas in front of you. It's breathtaking. But you can't enjoy the view, and the longshot, and the seeing where you've come, while moving. You have to stop moving - take a pause - breathe - look up. And then when it's time to get moving again, you put your head down and focus on the next stair ahead of you.


Day II.63 (428): Friday, August 17, 2012

I have been counting down to this day for 17 insanely long days. I am so grateful and excited and have so many things to enjoy coming down the pike!


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