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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 223 - 224: Nike has a point...

For Monday, January 23, 2012
Today's meditation was something along the lines of: If you don't try, you'll never know. If you try, you just might surprise yourself.

I have been reflecting a lot on taking chances, and just DOING it, just living and putting it out there, lately as I'm trying to profoundly shift some areas of my life (read: career).

My friend also sent me this: why indeed!

So...what if you just took the plunge, with the sole goal of doing it just to do it and because you want to know and because you will learn and experience amazing things in the process?

For Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tonight I made yummy Avgolemono soup for dinner. I used long-grain brown rice and egg whites, and it was delicious.

I stopped by the library on the way home. Why? Well, I made a huge list of things I want to do with this year about 24 days ago. It was really overwhelming, so I picked a couple of things per week and just wrote them in my calendar. That way, I know they're scheduled, and I'll see them on my calendar so I don't have to remember them. It also helps with the overwhelming factor.

This week, I wanted to sign up to volunteer in LA somewhere and get a library card. Since I moved here in September, I haven't done a lot of new reading - just re-reading what I have. It's time to get fresh! On new books, at least.

So I signed up to volunteer via this great site last weekend, and I filled out my pre-registration online for my library card. I stopped by the library tonight on my way home to pick up my card. There was a sign asking for volunteers to help adults learn to read. So, in line with yesterday's gratitude, I submitted an application when I got home. I'm grateful to be able to read - I can't even imagine my life without it - and I enjoyed working with my Arab ladies in Brooklyn, teaching them basic literacy, and would love to do it again. I'm also grateful for the feeling of progress, like I'm doing (good) things I've been wanting to do, and taking steps in really building out the healthy, fulfilling, balanced life I want for myself.