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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 210 - 211: New Perspectives

for Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012

I am grateful for a change in perspective. Sometimes things just look different, and you can learn from it, from another vantage point.

for Wednesday, Jan 11, 2012
I appreciate the little luxuries of life now: electricity, gas, heat, hot water. My apartment has been out of hot water and heat since Saturday morning, so I've been doing some urban camping. I bought a space heater, which Bruno of course adores.

Jefferson, my landlord's handyman, came today and offered this joyous pronouncement:
"No hot water for you, eh no."

But he'll bring me a new water heater tomorrow, so there will be hot water tomorrow. And he will buy a replacement part for the heater tomorrow. So first, we should just ask for help, it comes when we request it. And then, too, I am grateful for tomorrow - it is another day, it is a new hope.

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