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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 189: Tea-tie wisdom

An on-time post. What? Yes, dear (8) readers, I hoped to surprise you.

You probably can't make it out, but the tag at the end of my tea reads, "Love is to live for each other." I have been reflecting a lot on the nature of love, friendship, and relationships lately - and been thinking about my needs and how I communicate with those that I care about. In the past I haven't spoken up when things have bothered me, and so my anger and frustration (and often disillusionment) reached a boiling point, festering inside me, so that when I did express myself I did so poorly, often lashing out seemingly out of nowhere. I am trying to change this, by speaking up. Part of this means accepting that some people will opt out, and that's their right. I can't expect everyone to share my view of what love and friendship and relationships are about. And I agree that love is to live for each other. In one of these recent conversations, I came face-to-face with the stark reality of someone opting out. Which was hard, but good - I now know that person's expectation of friendship. But I don't share it.

I view friends as the people who are the family I choose, and I have a last-flight-out, doesn't-matter-what-time-middle-of-the-night-phone-call, just-show-up policy with my best friends. They know that I will be there for them, as I know they are there for me. I will stand behind them 100%, in whatever it is that they are trying to accomplish. This policy has never impeded on my life or career or ability to accomplish things - in fact, it is this deep nourishing and reciprocated love that has made it possible for me to accomplish my goals. I honestly believe there is no other way to live. And I am deeply grateful for the solid, good friends that I do have, who share my view - how lucky we are in life if we have a handful of these people to walk with us.

Love is to live for each other.