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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Special Update

Given that my last post was about marriage, I think it's fantastic and appropriate that the Supreme Court has struck down DOMA as unconstitutional. This is a really really exciting day - I agree that this law limited the liberty of individual citizens and denied them dignity and benefits they are fully entitled to. Being here in Oman, I have spent so much time explaining how our government, history, and beliefs about appropriate love and political organization are different, and rationalize them to someone who comes from a completely different way of seeing and making sense of the world. Having to do this has made me re-evaluate my beliefs and made me believe in them so much more strongly and deeply, especially because I see so clearly how gorgeous our freedoms are and how important the concept of democracy is (even if it is not fully realized...yet). I am so proud and thankful to be a citizen of the USA today - it simply comes down to


1 comment:

  1. And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free, and I won't forget the gays who died who gave that right to me and I gladly stand up! Next to you and defend her still today...cause there aint no doubt I love this land.....God Bless the USA!

    Fourth grade flashback. School concert...needed to memorize the song. :)

    I'm off to file my joint federal taxes now.......
