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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 424 - 425: Letting go of the chaff

Day II.59 (424): Monday, August 13
Tonight I just got to be alone in my house. I appreciate this profoundly after two weekends away and a weekend with a visitor and then some crazy stressful days in between where I wasn't around much. And last night my flights were so delayed that I barely got home in time to go to sleep before going to work today.

My dear friend Lucas asked me to go running with him tonight, a later run since the heat's been in the 90s here. It was beautiful - perfect and fresh and cool. Also, I'm grateful that he let me just vent to him all my anxiety about all the new things beginning and growing in my life. Years ago, my friend Hong made a painting of a proverb for me, that reads, "A friend is one to whom one may pour out all the contents of one's heart, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will take and sift it, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away." As time passes, the more I realize how tremendously valuable and beautiful a thing those friendships are.

Day II.60 (425): Tuesday, August 14

Today was the last day of laps at the pretty pool. Can we just talk for a minute about how cute the little fish gargoyle-fountains are in the corners? Ok, thank you!

I also got to test out my new goggles today (after two separate incidents of the strap tearing on me!). They're really clear. I was amazed at how much I could see, it was gorgeous to watch the light filtering through the water!

As I swam my last lap in this pool (not to be melodramatic, but USC is tearing it down next summer, so it...really is the last time I'll swim there), I just held  in my heart so much gratitude. Spending my lunchtimes in that pool has given me so much joy and peace, and for that I'm tremendously grateful.

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